A Word From Bobby Vincench

Founder of Free Minds Thrive

Free Minds Thrive was created to help people free their minds and thrive in life. Critical thinking and a devotion to thriving in ALL areas of one’s life are just some of the things we focus on. Everything we do is about YOU, the unique and special human individual. From coaching to content to courses and more, I just want to see thriving individuals who think clearly and intentionally about their thoughts, actions and lives. The better you do, the better we all do. So we need and want the best you. And that’s what Free Minds Thrive is all about.

Around here, “tribalism” and limiting labels go out the door. We’re not about that. So be brave and bold… and be yourself. Everything else will come together around the real, true and thriving you.

Contact Us

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For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital.

(631) 339-0131

New York, USA
